1098-E Information
What is a 1098-E form?
The 1098-E Student Loan Interest Statement is an IRS tax form that lists the amount of interest paid on your student loans during the previous year. You may be able to deduct some or this entire amount from the income you report on your federal tax return, which may reduce your income tax. Check with a tax advisor to determine which interest is tax deductible.
You'll receive a 1098-E for each loan account if the interest you paid met or exceeded $600.00. Note that if you have loans with another servicer, you'll receive 1098-E information from them, too.
When can I expect to receive my 1098-E form?
The IRS tax laws state that all tax documents must be mailed by January 31. You can access your student loan interest statements by signing into your Heartland ECSI account. Once you're signed in, click on the Tax Documents & Information under your university, and click on view statement.
For questions about your 1098-E form, please contact Heartland ECSI at 866-428-1098, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Eastern Time.