Manage Your Loans
Campus Loan Programs Awarded by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships awards campus based Student Loans. There are different loan programs available. Your eligibility is determined through your Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Please contact Financial Aid for additional information.
The Campus Based Loans that can awarded to students are:
- Federal Perkins Loan
- University Loan
- Tura A. Hawk Loan
- California Dream Loan
For the College of Medicine the following loans are offered:
- Carl H. Fee
- Edna Dessery
- Josephine O. Reed
- Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS)
If you are awarded a Campus Based Student Loan, you must accept your award on My Aid. You may access My Aid through the Zot!Portal. Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships if you have any questions about the information presented in My Aid.
Once you have accepted your loan, Heartland/ECSI, our loan servicer, will contact you with instructions for logging in at their web site and completing all required loan documents electronically. Check your UCI email for information after you have accepted your loan in My Aid.
If you have any questions or do not receive an email regarding your loan, please contact Heartland/ECSI at 888-549-3274.